วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Teach Your Dog Good Manners - How to Train a Well-behaved Dog

Teach Your Dog Good Manners***Teaching your dog good manners is one of the best things you can every do for your dog and yourself...

Teach Your Dog Good Manners
- How to Train a Well-behaved Dog

Dogs, like kids, need a loving, consistent environment to learn good behavior. Dog owners (like moms and dads) need to teach them and guide them to learn appropriate and acceptable behaviours without sacrificing their self-confidence.

What kind of dog would you like? A dog that is afraid and submissive, or a happy, well-adjusted, well-mannered member of the family?

Teaching your dog good manners is one of the best things you can every do for your dog and yourself. Studies have shown that dogs are highly intelligent animals that want to please their owners. There is a clear link between how owners treat their dogs and how their dogs behave. Research shows that most dogs can learn to be well-behaved. However, this strongly depends on the time and effort the owner puts into training them.

Teaching your dog good manners is beneficial to both you and your pet. A well-trained dog learns to respect the people around it, and makes a shy dog more sociable and confident. Owners that engage with their dog and take responsibility for their training and socialization tend to experience less behavioral problems from their dogs.

The owner’s attitude in training their pets is of utmost importance. Focusing on positive reinforcement and rewards while training your pet will help you get the best from your dog, have fun and helps ensure that living with them is easy, enjoyable and emotionally rewarding – all the things you want from man’s best friend.

Dogs are learning all the time. Owners need to teach their dogs appropriate and acceptable behaviour as early as possible, and in a variety of different situations. This means that the dog is confident and well-mannered even in challenging circumstances.

Training you dog in basic manners benefits everyone; you, the pet owner, and your happy, loved and well-behaved dog.

By Expert Author: Shelley Smith
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com
