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11 Protective Care Approaches for a Vigorous and Happy Pet Dog

11 Protective Care Approaches***Lots of Attention,Exercise,Safety Collar,Obedience,Yearly Veterinarian Checkups,Dental Care,Practice Good Hygiene,Give Your Dog Company,Provide Dog Space,Heartworm Medicine.....

11 Protective Care Approaches for a Vigorous and Happy Pet Dog

Pet treatment goes beyond countering a particular disease or health problem - it's about preventive care and ensuring your dog enjoys a long and happy life. Once your pet has reached adulthood, your relationship will probably settle into a routine.

Make sure it's a mutually rewarding one by following these guidelines.

Lots of Attention

Give your dog at least a half hour of your undivided attention every day. Play with him, brush him, or practice obedience tricks or commands.


Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise every day. It's critical for a healthy body and a healthy temperament.

Safety Collar

Though an ID collar isn't a health issue or medical pet treatment, it will possibly save your dog's life if he is ever lost or injured by a vehicle.


Obedience training doesn't just produce a well-trained dog, it also helps your canine lead a disciplined and structured life, something that's critical to their pack mentality. Obedience training also helps to keep the mind sharp.

Yearly Veterinarian Checkups

Visit your veterinarian on an annual basis. Have your dog examined, and be sure to discuss any potential health concerns.

Dental Care

Most veterinarians recommend brushing your dog's teeth every day. It's difficult, cumbersome and not always fun, but it will keep gingivitis, tooth decay and disease at bay. Remember, you don't have to brush forever - a few nightly swipes should do the trick.

Practice Good Hygiene

You should bathe your dog whenever he is itchy, smelly or dirty. Your dog can pick up a lot of parasites, dirt and bacteria when he's out splashing in puddles or rolling around in the dirt. Just like with humans, good hygiene is critical for good health.

Give Your Dog Company

Dogs are social animals, which is why they live and travel in packs in the wild. If you plan to leave your dog home alone all day, then you should invest in a dog walking service or possibly doggie daycare. Otherwise, your dog can become depressed, bored and possibly destructive.

Provide Dog Space

Dogs need their own space, so give your dog a peaceful and comfortable place where he can go to lie down, have some quiet time and take a nap. When your dog is resting or relaxing, be sure to respect his space and need for rest.

Buy Good Dog Food

Invest in quality dog food that's formulated for your pet's weight, age and health. If you love your dog, don't cheap out on its diet and nutrition.

Heartworm Medicine

Probably the most important preventive pet treatment is to keep your dog on heartworm prevention medicine during mosquito season. Heartworm is a deadly disease that is excruciatingly painful, so keep your dog safe from it.

By: Trevor Price
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com
