วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Caring for Your Dog

Caring for Your Dog--Watch your dog's weight...Give your dog plenty of exercise...Providing your dog with things to keep it occupied is important...Nutrition is a very important part of your dog's physical health....

Caring for Your Dog

Through years of faithful friendship we can become very attached to our pets, and this can be especially true of "man's best friend". It's a tragic day when we have to say goodbye to our beloved friends, but by looking after your dog well, you can ensure it has a long and healthy life in which you can share many years of joy together.

Here are ten great ways to help keep your dog healthy and give you more years to enjoy together.

Take your dog for regular wellness tests at the veterinary clinic, especially when it is getting old. These tests help to provide early identification for various illnesses to which the animal may be susceptible. A thorough physical examination is given which includes teeth, ears, eyes, heart and lungs. Other tests may also be carried out depending on the vet's judgment of the animal.

Watch your dog's weight. An obese dog won't live as long as one which is kept at a healthy weight. Too much weight creates a lot of extra work for the heart - something which an older animal will struggle particularly badly with.

Be aware of when your dog is getting older. An older dog requires more care. What constitutes "older" varies between breeds of dog.

Be on the lookout for illness. Whilst at home pay careful attention to your dog's behavior. Watch its sleeping and eating habits. Dogs tend not to show pain as obviously as humans do, so being extra observant is an important means to keeping your dog well.

Don't let your dog have completely free-run of the outside world. Whilst dogs need plenty of exercise, allowing your dog to run around wherever and whenever he pleases can allow it to get into dangerous situations, especially as it grows older. Make sure you keep your dog in a garden that has a fence surrounding it.

Give your dog plenty of exercise. Dog's have a natural desire to use up energy by running around. Playful exercise is good for your dog's body and mind. Keeping a dog locked up all day can make it miserable. Allowing it to run around provides it with entertainment and exercise which helps keep its body healthy.

Providing your dog with things to keep it occupied is important. An unhappy dog can get other kinds of illness as a result of depression, and it can also cause itself harm. Provide it with plenty of toys, teach it tricks, and engage with it in a variety of ways.

Nutrition is a very important part of your dog's physical health. Without the right foods it can easily fall ill. Products such as Iams? or Eukanuba are excellent food supplements to feed your dog healthily.

Provide your dog with a safe environment. Keep dangerous chemicals and other household items in places which your dog cannot access.

Neuter or spay your dog. There are a variety of benefits to this including elimination of pregnancy complications and a reduced tendency for male dogs to want to escape to find a mate.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/
