วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

11 Protective Care Approaches for a Vigorous and Happy Pet Dog

11 Protective Care Approaches***Lots of Attention,Exercise,Safety Collar,Obedience,Yearly Veterinarian Checkups,Dental Care,Practice Good Hygiene,Give Your Dog Company,Provide Dog Space,Heartworm Medicine.....

11 Protective Care Approaches for a Vigorous and Happy Pet Dog

Pet treatment goes beyond countering a particular disease or health problem - it's about preventive care and ensuring your dog enjoys a long and happy life. Once your pet has reached adulthood, your relationship will probably settle into a routine.

Make sure it's a mutually rewarding one by following these guidelines.

Lots of Attention

Give your dog at least a half hour of your undivided attention every day. Play with him, brush him, or practice obedience tricks or commands.


Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise every day. It's critical for a healthy body and a healthy temperament.

Safety Collar

Though an ID collar isn't a health issue or medical pet treatment, it will possibly save your dog's life if he is ever lost or injured by a vehicle.


Obedience training doesn't just produce a well-trained dog, it also helps your canine lead a disciplined and structured life, something that's critical to their pack mentality. Obedience training also helps to keep the mind sharp.

Yearly Veterinarian Checkups

Visit your veterinarian on an annual basis. Have your dog examined, and be sure to discuss any potential health concerns.

Dental Care

Most veterinarians recommend brushing your dog's teeth every day. It's difficult, cumbersome and not always fun, but it will keep gingivitis, tooth decay and disease at bay. Remember, you don't have to brush forever - a few nightly swipes should do the trick.

Practice Good Hygiene

You should bathe your dog whenever he is itchy, smelly or dirty. Your dog can pick up a lot of parasites, dirt and bacteria when he's out splashing in puddles or rolling around in the dirt. Just like with humans, good hygiene is critical for good health.

Give Your Dog Company

Dogs are social animals, which is why they live and travel in packs in the wild. If you plan to leave your dog home alone all day, then you should invest in a dog walking service or possibly doggie daycare. Otherwise, your dog can become depressed, bored and possibly destructive.

Provide Dog Space

Dogs need their own space, so give your dog a peaceful and comfortable place where he can go to lie down, have some quiet time and take a nap. When your dog is resting or relaxing, be sure to respect his space and need for rest.

Buy Good Dog Food

Invest in quality dog food that's formulated for your pet's weight, age and health. If you love your dog, don't cheap out on its diet and nutrition.

Heartworm Medicine

Probably the most important preventive pet treatment is to keep your dog on heartworm prevention medicine during mosquito season. Heartworm is a deadly disease that is excruciatingly painful, so keep your dog safe from it.

By: Trevor Price
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Caring for Your Dog

Caring for Your Dog--Watch your dog's weight...Give your dog plenty of exercise...Providing your dog with things to keep it occupied is important...Nutrition is a very important part of your dog's physical health....

Caring for Your Dog

Through years of faithful friendship we can become very attached to our pets, and this can be especially true of "man's best friend". It's a tragic day when we have to say goodbye to our beloved friends, but by looking after your dog well, you can ensure it has a long and healthy life in which you can share many years of joy together.

Here are ten great ways to help keep your dog healthy and give you more years to enjoy together.

Take your dog for regular wellness tests at the veterinary clinic, especially when it is getting old. These tests help to provide early identification for various illnesses to which the animal may be susceptible. A thorough physical examination is given which includes teeth, ears, eyes, heart and lungs. Other tests may also be carried out depending on the vet's judgment of the animal.

Watch your dog's weight. An obese dog won't live as long as one which is kept at a healthy weight. Too much weight creates a lot of extra work for the heart - something which an older animal will struggle particularly badly with.

Be aware of when your dog is getting older. An older dog requires more care. What constitutes "older" varies between breeds of dog.

Be on the lookout for illness. Whilst at home pay careful attention to your dog's behavior. Watch its sleeping and eating habits. Dogs tend not to show pain as obviously as humans do, so being extra observant is an important means to keeping your dog well.

Don't let your dog have completely free-run of the outside world. Whilst dogs need plenty of exercise, allowing your dog to run around wherever and whenever he pleases can allow it to get into dangerous situations, especially as it grows older. Make sure you keep your dog in a garden that has a fence surrounding it.

Give your dog plenty of exercise. Dog's have a natural desire to use up energy by running around. Playful exercise is good for your dog's body and mind. Keeping a dog locked up all day can make it miserable. Allowing it to run around provides it with entertainment and exercise which helps keep its body healthy.

Providing your dog with things to keep it occupied is important. An unhappy dog can get other kinds of illness as a result of depression, and it can also cause itself harm. Provide it with plenty of toys, teach it tricks, and engage with it in a variety of ways.

Nutrition is a very important part of your dog's physical health. Without the right foods it can easily fall ill. Products such as Iams? or Eukanuba are excellent food supplements to feed your dog healthily.

Provide your dog with a safe environment. Keep dangerous chemicals and other household items in places which your dog cannot access.

Neuter or spay your dog. There are a variety of benefits to this including elimination of pregnancy complications and a reduced tendency for male dogs to want to escape to find a mate.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

What Is Excessive Licking? Read More Of The Dog Symptoms Of Licking

The Dog Symptoms Of Licking** dogs lick themselves to the point of self-mutilation for a variety of reasons...Other dog licking symptoms result in open wounds and lesions on your dog’s body....

What Is Excessive Licking?
Read More Of The Dog Symptoms Of Licking

If your dog spends his time licking himself repeatedly, it may be time to pay closer attention to your dog’s licking habits and dog licking symptoms.

Some dogs lick themselves to the point of self-mutilation for a variety of reasons. Boredom, lack of entertainment or stress could cause your dog to begin licking his paws, legs or some other body part. Is your dog constantly following you and sitting down when you sit then starts to lick himself? If this is the case, he’s probably simply looking for something to do. Could you take him out for a walk now?

Dogs are like humans in the sense that they also have unhealthy quirks or habits that they start doing when they are bored. For example, take a look at people waiting in line in grocery stores. Can you spot some of the sneaky habits that people have to entertain themselves when they are bored or anxious while waiting in line? Dogs also have little habits that grow out of boredom. Some women may run their hands through their hair without even thinking about it and some dogs lick their paws or other body parts out of habit or boredom.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors bred and domesticated dogs for the purpose of being worked. Now that society’s needs have changed, dogs are no longer used as workers unless they are used on a farm for herding sheep or hunting. The purpose of dogs has evolved from helping people to survive to a being a fury friend with loads of energy.

Other dog licking symptoms result in open wounds and lesions on your dog’s body. These lesions could become infected with bacteria and spread to the rest of his body via your dog’s bloodstream. Such infections could cause severe health problems if not dealt with promptly.

There are occasions when licking is beneficial. For example, when a puppy first comes into this world, the mother will lick him clean to remove all natal debris. The licking also helps puppies breath and it stimulates bowel movements. There is no evidence to suggest that excessive licking at birth by the mother would result in puppies developing a licking habit that could cause health problems later on.

Another reason behind your dog’s excessive licking could be allergies. If you believe that your dog suffers from allergies, you should document your dog’s licking symptoms and take him to see a veterinarian. The vet may suggest an allergy test and should provide possible treatments for your dog. You should know, however, that allergy tests for animals can run as high as $300 for a dog.

In order for the vet to perform the allergy test, your dog will likely be put under some mild anesthesia. The procedure shouldn’t last more than 20 to 30 minutes and your dog will be a little drowsy afterwards. The vet normally uses another drug to reverse the anesthesia and your dog should feel a little more awake after the second drug. There will be a shaved patch on the underside of your dog, but the hair will grow back soon.

After the vet has completed the allergy test, he or she will probably discuss the various treatments available. You should consider the options wisely without forgetting about the financial consequences. Now that you can recognize some dog symptoms for licking, you should be able to help your dog feel more relaxed by properly addressing the issue and getting the right kind of medical treatment for your dog.

By: Daniel Waser
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Tips On Bathing Your Puppy

Tips On Bathing Your Puppy--During the first few bathing sessions, you’ll definitely find yourself impatient when bathing your puppy...This is a good strategy for your pup to associate bathing with playing...

Tips On Bathing Your Puppy

Most dogs, in the early stages of their life, are afraid of the water or taking a bath. But no matter how hard it is to bathe your puppy, you should still do this to make him clean, healthy and free from pet infestations. During the first few bathing sessions, you’ll definitely find yourself impatient when bathing your puppy. Like training your dog to obey you, bathing your pup also requires a lot of patience and persistence.

It takes time before your little dog gets used to bathing time. You need to establish a good relationship with him before anything else. One of the most effective ways to make your puppy’s bathing session easier and faster is by establishing a playtime zone which is a specific location where your puppy will become familiar to bathing. This is a good strategy for your pup to associate bathing with playing.

During the first week before giving him his very first pet bath, choose an area where you want to wash your dog. It can be anywhere inside or outside your house, in the bathroom or even the backyard. Bear in mind that you need to make a notion to your puppy that that specific zone is his playtime area. Play with him for a few minutes everyday in that area until he gets comfortable in it.

As much as possible, don’t bathe your puppy if he doesn’t want to cooperate. Don’t rush things. Allow your dog to become accustomed with the playtime zone you created for him. Make sure that you put dog toys or treats within the pet bath tub before introducing water to him.

Bathing your puppy should also not take too long. To make the bathing time even faster, brush your puppy’s fur first. Tangled fur holds water which can result to skin irritation. Remember not to bathe your puppy if he is younger than 8 weeks old. Alternatively, dogs that are under 8 weeks can be cleaned using water and puppy wipes.

If your puppy seems too uncooperative, you can do a dry pet bath for him instead. This type of bathing method involves wiping him with a damp cloth and rubbing him with am towel. Waterless bath sprays can also do wonders for your puppy. By doing this, you’ll surely be amazed how clean your puppy will be!

By: Andrei Smith
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Teach Your Dog Good Manners - How to Train a Well-behaved Dog

Teach Your Dog Good Manners***Teaching your dog good manners is one of the best things you can every do for your dog and yourself...

Teach Your Dog Good Manners
- How to Train a Well-behaved Dog

Dogs, like kids, need a loving, consistent environment to learn good behavior. Dog owners (like moms and dads) need to teach them and guide them to learn appropriate and acceptable behaviours without sacrificing their self-confidence.

What kind of dog would you like? A dog that is afraid and submissive, or a happy, well-adjusted, well-mannered member of the family?

Teaching your dog good manners is one of the best things you can every do for your dog and yourself. Studies have shown that dogs are highly intelligent animals that want to please their owners. There is a clear link between how owners treat their dogs and how their dogs behave. Research shows that most dogs can learn to be well-behaved. However, this strongly depends on the time and effort the owner puts into training them.

Teaching your dog good manners is beneficial to both you and your pet. A well-trained dog learns to respect the people around it, and makes a shy dog more sociable and confident. Owners that engage with their dog and take responsibility for their training and socialization tend to experience less behavioral problems from their dogs.

The owner’s attitude in training their pets is of utmost importance. Focusing on positive reinforcement and rewards while training your pet will help you get the best from your dog, have fun and helps ensure that living with them is easy, enjoyable and emotionally rewarding – all the things you want from man’s best friend.

Dogs are learning all the time. Owners need to teach their dogs appropriate and acceptable behaviour as early as possible, and in a variety of different situations. This means that the dog is confident and well-mannered even in challenging circumstances.

Training you dog in basic manners benefits everyone; you, the pet owner, and your happy, loved and well-behaved dog.

By Expert Author: Shelley Smith
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com

วันพุธที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Dog Have Itchy Skin? Improper Nutrition Could Be The Cause

Dog Have Itchy Skin--One common answer for your dog’s itchy skin is food allergies -- your dog is reacting to a certain ingredient in his dog food. Another common answer is psychological -- your dog has issues (nervousness, hyperactivity, anxiety).....

Dog Have Itchy Skin?
Improper Nutrition Could Be The Cause

Does your dog scratch all the time? Does he go on and on scratching? If you’re like most people, it probably drives you crazy – not to mention your poor dog. You look your dog over – no fleas to be found. So then why won’t the scratching stop?

One common answer for your dog’s itchy skin is food allergies -- your dog is reacting to a certain ingredient in his dog food. Another common answer is psychological -- your dog has issues (nervousness, hyperactivity, anxiety). However, one area that tends to get overlooked in the diagnosis of a dog’s itchy skin is nutrition, or lack thereof.

When you deprive your dog of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fats), their body may respond with inflammation of the skin and scratching – your dog’s itchy skin!

Your dog is a beloved member of your family. You don’t deprive him of nutrients! Do you? You might very well and not even know you are doing it. If you answer yes to the following question, there is a very good chance that you are.

Do you feed your dog commercial dog food?

Most dog food companies provide very substandard dog foods without you even knowing it. Just because the label says “well balanced” and “complete nutrition” does not mean that it is. Most of the food that goes into dog food are by-products. A by-product is whatever is left over of a whole ingredient after the healthy, useable portion has been removed. So even though the dog food says it has a certain ingredient, chances are the good part, the part with the nutrients, aren’t in your dog’s food. This lack of quality nutrients results in your dog’s itchy skin.

By: K.C. Jones
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

How To House Train A Dog – Easy Steps

A puppy does not yet have the ability to wait for a door to open if it wants to toilet....To house train a young and even older dog is basically the same as training a young puppy....

How To House Train A Dog – Easy Steps

To house train a dog and especially a puppy is very easy and only requires patience, consistency and awareness. Nobody wants a dog that messes in the house, so many people just leave their dogs in the backyard – never allowing them in the house. These backyard dogs many develop undesirable behaviour which is caused by a lack of attention. If you are the new owner, you might have a dog that has never been house trained.

House Training a Puppy

A puppy does not yet have the ability to wait for a door to open if it wants to toilet. You as owner are responsible for being aware of when the puppy needs to go out.

Listed are few definite situations and times when you should take your puppy to the area in your garden where you want it to toilet:

? The moment it wakes up, in the morning or during the day when it was sleeping.

? Just after feeding times

? When you see the puppy sniffing around and turning in circles

? When you see the puppy going behind furniture. (It is not playing hide-and-seek!)

At these times, pick up your puppy and take it outside. Wait there, sunshine or rain, until it has done everything. Do not go inside, the puppy will just follow you and do it in the house. And it will be all your own fault! Never scold your puppy if it had an accident in the house, it was NOT his fault.

You can be very successful in the dog training basics if you are consistent. Your patience will pay off and very soon you will notice your puppy start going outside all on its own. Remember also to praise your puppy everytime it does its toilet outside. It is also a very good idea to take your puppy to a dog training school for puppy classes and basic dog obedience training.

House Training an Adopted Dog

To house train a young and even older dog is basically the same as training a young puppy. It will even be quicker, but you need to be very consistent. Make sure to praise you dog when it is doing right. You can even train your dog to touch a bell when it wants to go out. You can do that by using the method of clicker training.

In all your dog training, be it house training, basic obedience training, dog agility training, always use positive reinforcement methods and you will achieve your goals much faster and both you and your dog will enjoy it.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com