วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Dogs, Man's Best Friend,Basset Hound,Bulldog,Cocker Spaniel,Collie,Doberman Pincher,

Dogs, Man's Best Friend Man’s best friend, dogs come in all shapes and sizes, as do their masters. They are overly stereotyped.

Dogs, Man's Best Friend
Your favorite canine will impress others that you possess the following traits-though it most certainly may not be the case.
Basset Hound:
The one thing people should do is not to rush you. Being unaggressive and lazy, your easygoing manner can make one feel both comfortable and bored.
You’re tough. You wear an invisible sign on your chest - “don’t mess with me.”
Being a nervous wreck, you are as loquacious as your pet. Your talkativeness has gone to such an extent, you at times will be seen after your companion was listening to you, going off and speaking to yourself.
Cocker Spaniel:
You initially impress people as being depressed which suddenly disappears. For behind those melancholy eyes is a soft, very approachable, human being. Very corresponding to your dogs initial appearance and underlying nature.
You are cuddly and intelligent. Akin to your collie, you are really content and passive. Should anybody attack someone you are close with, you will go to the ends of the earth to defend him.
Doberman Pincher:
Known for its maliciousness, it is you, that is the aggressor. Throughout life you have felt that you were picked on. Now let anybody even try to raise their hand at you.
German Shepherd:
You need to dominate. It is vital that others realize what status you have attained. Your powerful pet safeguarding you, hints to others that you must own a lot--this is evidenced by you strolling with him.
Your unassuming nature reflects low self worth. In this
case, being satisfied with little has a negative connotation, because you feel that if you were competitive you would lose, so why bother.
By making a big to do about your dogs ancestry, there is a latent association or fear that your own strain is questionable. Your courteousness may be more of exhibition than actual.
Charming and huggable, doll like in nature, the poodle is a child surrogate which you will baby and take care of, as you would have liked done to you.
St. Bernard:
This dog is known to have faced the most difficult situations and relentlessly would pursue to liberate the needy. It is your need to be in the authority position and to assist the underdog.
Stray Dog:
With the understanding that if you do not take these animals home they may be destroyed, in addition to showing affability, you have genuine pity for those not doing as well as you. Should your home have turned into a pound, because of the endless amount of pity, this may also reflect one not knowing where to draw the line, between assisting and being taken advantage of.

