วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

The 5 Sure Fire Benefits of Dog Obedience Training

Fire Benefits of Dog Obedience Training,The benefits of strong healthy , Basic dog training opens up the communication ,dog the knowledge setting up, puppy or dog comes to his new home...

The 5 Sure Fire Benefits of Dog Obedience Training

Dog obedience training is one of the most important elements you can have in your relationship with your dog.

The question I get asked the most is what exactly is dog obedience training and is it really all that important in the relationship you have with your dog.

In a nut shell, dog obedience training is very loose term used to describe what can be accomplished with a variety of different dog training techniques.

These techniques can range from protection dog training, puppy house training, dog housebreaking tips, dog behavioral modification and many others.

What ever training technique you decide to pursue first whether training your dog at home or at an appropriate dog training school, you should accomplish the following benefits.

1. The benefits of strong healthy bonding between your pet and you are best created by the use of some form of dog obedience training methods.

2. Basic dog training opens up the communication factor between you and your dog. This helps give you the basic idea's of what you want from your dog and helps your dog to understand and respect what it is you are teaching him.

3. Teaching obedience to your dog will give your dog the knowledge of the boundaries you are setting up with him. Boundaries will help your dog become more responsible to you and your family as well as other dogs, animals and people and create the manners you expect in any situation.

4. Dog training helps you in laying up ground work that actually helps your dog preventing the development of unacceptable behavior and bad habits such as chewing, digging, barking, biting, jumping, peeing in the house and many others.

5. Confusion is another prominent problem when your puppy or dog comes to his new home. Training your dog from the get go will eliminate all confusion and believe me, once your dog begins to understand what he needs to do, everyone life get a whole lot easier!

6. One more BONUS benefit: You will find that not only is it fun and rewarding training your dog but the confidence you will gain in knowing you can trust your dog no matter what the situation is truly relaxing. No stress in wonder what any situation may bring.

I have barely scratched the surface in name just a few of the benefits you will discover by properly training your dog.

I see so many dogs that are neglected the proper training that is only their owners would commit just a little time would bring so much happiness to them, their dogs and their neighbors.

Dogs get frustrated not knowing the rules of the road and it is up to you to teach them.

There are many ways to teach your dog that you can find online if you know where to look.
Just remember, it not about force, dominance, or cruelty in teaching your dog.

Training your dog the right way the first time can be done in a fractions of the time and done in such a way that is fun for everyone.

Do it right! You and your puppy will enjoy every minute of every training session and once those lines of communication are open and established your whole family will want in on the fun that comes with the benefits of training your dog.

By Barry Crewse
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
