วันพุธที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Dog Have Itchy Skin? Improper Nutrition Could Be The Cause

Dog Have Itchy Skin--One common answer for your dog’s itchy skin is food allergies -- your dog is reacting to a certain ingredient in his dog food. Another common answer is psychological -- your dog has issues (nervousness, hyperactivity, anxiety).....

Dog Have Itchy Skin?
Improper Nutrition Could Be The Cause

Does your dog scratch all the time? Does he go on and on scratching? If you’re like most people, it probably drives you crazy – not to mention your poor dog. You look your dog over – no fleas to be found. So then why won’t the scratching stop?

One common answer for your dog’s itchy skin is food allergies -- your dog is reacting to a certain ingredient in his dog food. Another common answer is psychological -- your dog has issues (nervousness, hyperactivity, anxiety). However, one area that tends to get overlooked in the diagnosis of a dog’s itchy skin is nutrition, or lack thereof.

When you deprive your dog of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fats), their body may respond with inflammation of the skin and scratching – your dog’s itchy skin!

Your dog is a beloved member of your family. You don’t deprive him of nutrients! Do you? You might very well and not even know you are doing it. If you answer yes to the following question, there is a very good chance that you are.

Do you feed your dog commercial dog food?

Most dog food companies provide very substandard dog foods without you even knowing it. Just because the label says “well balanced” and “complete nutrition” does not mean that it is. Most of the food that goes into dog food are by-products. A by-product is whatever is left over of a whole ingredient after the healthy, useable portion has been removed. So even though the dog food says it has a certain ingredient, chances are the good part, the part with the nutrients, aren’t in your dog’s food. This lack of quality nutrients results in your dog’s itchy skin.

By: K.C. Jones
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

How To House Train A Dog – Easy Steps

A puppy does not yet have the ability to wait for a door to open if it wants to toilet....To house train a young and even older dog is basically the same as training a young puppy....

How To House Train A Dog – Easy Steps

To house train a dog and especially a puppy is very easy and only requires patience, consistency and awareness. Nobody wants a dog that messes in the house, so many people just leave their dogs in the backyard – never allowing them in the house. These backyard dogs many develop undesirable behaviour which is caused by a lack of attention. If you are the new owner, you might have a dog that has never been house trained.

House Training a Puppy

A puppy does not yet have the ability to wait for a door to open if it wants to toilet. You as owner are responsible for being aware of when the puppy needs to go out.

Listed are few definite situations and times when you should take your puppy to the area in your garden where you want it to toilet:

? The moment it wakes up, in the morning or during the day when it was sleeping.

? Just after feeding times

? When you see the puppy sniffing around and turning in circles

? When you see the puppy going behind furniture. (It is not playing hide-and-seek!)

At these times, pick up your puppy and take it outside. Wait there, sunshine or rain, until it has done everything. Do not go inside, the puppy will just follow you and do it in the house. And it will be all your own fault! Never scold your puppy if it had an accident in the house, it was NOT his fault.

You can be very successful in the dog training basics if you are consistent. Your patience will pay off and very soon you will notice your puppy start going outside all on its own. Remember also to praise your puppy everytime it does its toilet outside. It is also a very good idea to take your puppy to a dog training school for puppy classes and basic dog obedience training.

House Training an Adopted Dog

To house train a young and even older dog is basically the same as training a young puppy. It will even be quicker, but you need to be very consistent. Make sure to praise you dog when it is doing right. You can even train your dog to touch a bell when it wants to go out. You can do that by using the method of clicker training.

In all your dog training, be it house training, basic obedience training, dog agility training, always use positive reinforcement methods and you will achieve your goals much faster and both you and your dog will enjoy it.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Clicker Train Fido To Sit

Clicker Train Fido To Sit***a small device making a click sound when pressed...This is extremely important. Even when you click at the wrong moment, Now that Fido knows how the clicker works,...

Clicker Train Fido To Sit

Dog training has over the years developed from the harsh methods of punishment to almost an art or science where precision training is possible using only a small device called a clicker. Clicker training has long been used to train other animals like dolphins.

What is a clicker?

A clicker is what it says -- a small device making a click sound when pressed. It is also known as a reward marker. The click sound marks the exact moment your dog did something that earns him a reward. If you want to teach him to sit, you will click the moment he sits, and then you will give him a reward or treat. To Fido the clicker means “Good dog, you have done this thing right!”

If used correctly, the clicker is very effective because you can catch the exact moment your dog does something right. Your timing must be perfect -- practice your timing by throwing a ball into the air and clicking the moment it turns to fall back.

The philosophy behind the clicker is that the dog gets conditioned that when he hears the click sound, he will receive a treat. He will thus do whatever he knows (which he learnt through repetition) that will result in a click. A clicker trained dog will go through a whole repertoire of behaviours to get a click.

Where to start

Let us say Fido has no experience with a clicker and you want to start training him by using the clicker. First you have to introduce the clicker to him and teach him that whenever he hears the click, he will receive a reward. This is extremely important. Even when you click at the wrong moment, he should still receive a reward, else the power of the clicker will be diminished. Do this introduction by just clicking and rewarding. At this point Fido does not have to do anything. You only want him to realise that the click is a good sound and a yummy treat will follow. It will only take about 10 to 20 clicks for him to realise that. This process is also called “charging up the clicker”.

Moving on

Now that Fido knows how the clicker works, you want to start teaching him desired behaviour. Lets take an easy example: you want to teach Fido to sit when you say “Sit”. Remember: he does not yet know the word “sit”, so you cannot expect him to sit when you say the word. So just keep quiet. Take a treat in your one hand and clicker in the other. Hold the treat-hand in front of Fido’s nose (do not allow him to take it!), lift your hand slightly up and backwards, luring him into the sit position. Click the second his bum hits the ground and give him the treat. Repeat 20 to 30 times.

At this point you can start adding the word “sit”. The sequence should be: Luring Fido into “sit” and at the same time saying “sit” – Fido sits – click – treat. Repeat that sequence about 20 to 30 times. You can now test him by giving the command before luring him into the sit position. Chances are good that he will immediately sit on command and you would not even have lure him into position. If he gets it right, give a bonus treat and make a big fuss. Congratulations! You have just taught Fido to sit on command!

What’s next?

The above is a short description of the basic training method using a clicker. You can teach your dog any trick or obedience command by following that outline. Some tricks and commands are much more complex and you should break it down into smaller steps first and combining them later. This will be described in later articles – so be on the lookout for those.

Tips for successful dog training

Set up your dog for success by keeping training sessions short.
End your training on a high note, while your dog still wants more.
Use really yummy treats and be generous.
Always treat after a click.
Do not train when you are in a bad mood or not feeling well!
Be consistent with your clicking, your praise and your rules.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dog Training – The Secret To Success

Dog Training – Spending quality time together...Experiencing life together...Establishing and promoting mutual Respect...Communication..Understanding each other’s needs...

Dog Training – The Secret To Success

Building a bond with your dog is the secret to successful dog training.

As with any relationship, building a bond requires:

1.) Spending quality time together.

Spending quality time together does not mean just being in the same room as your dog. It does mean having some routines and rituals together that your dog can look forward to. Dogs love routine. One such routine can be to run to your post box together and then giving the junkmail to Fido to carry to the bin. That makes life worth living for Fido.

2.) Experiencing life together.

Take Fido with you wherever you go. If you walk to the shop on the corner to buy a newspaper, take him along. Let him practice a “sit stay” outside the shop. Dogs are wonderful companions. Take him along for your Sunday afternoon drive or when you go on hiking trial in the countryside.

3.) Establishing and promoting mutual respect.

Trust and respect are very important in any relationship, even your relationship with your dog. Your dog will trust you when, over time, he realises that you will keep him safe. Respect will come when you set enforceable boundaries. You must be firm but fair. Here also, as in any dog training, it is important to be consistent. If you don’t want Fido to jump up on you or your friends, then never allow that, not even once.

4.) Communication

You must develop a way of communication with your dog so that you and Fido can understand each other. It all developes from a proper dog training foundation. And the more motivational your corrections and praise are the stronger the foundation. Communicating with your dog means that he will understand when he’s doing something right and when he’s doing something wrong. You can communicate with your voice but your strongest communication with Fido will be through body language.

5.) Understanding each other’s needs

If you have reached a point in your dog training where you can communicate with your dog, you will start to understand each other’s needs. And that is a magical point. That is when both of you are really enjoying the training and where Fido will do just about anything to please you.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Bringing Home a New Dog - Shopping Recommendations

Bringing your new dog home ;Dog Food - Bowls for Food and Water -Grooming Tools and Supplies -Dog Crate - ID Tags -Bed Gates - Selection of Toys -.....

Bringing Home a New Dog
Shopping Recommendations

Bringing your new dog home for the first time is an important occasion and you want to be a safe and enjoyable experience for your pet. For a puppy or an older dog, this can be an intimidating time. With a little bit of preparation you can make the experience more enjoyable for both you and the dog. Besides the preparation of your home and its surroundings, you will also want to purchase furnishings and supplies ahead of time. Here are some recommendations to help you in your preparations.
Dog Food - Like humans our dog's health depends mostly on what they put in their mouth. Make sure to choose a high quality dog food appropriate for your dog's age and weight.
Bowls for Food and Water - Ceramic or Stainless Steel are probably the most sanitary choices, remembering that stainless bowls will get very hot if they are in direct sunlight. Large dogs and older dogs may benefit from raised bowls that require less stooping.
Grooming Tools and Supplies - The basic tools include a brush, flea comb, nail clippers and toothbrush. Basic supplies include shampoo and toothpaste made especially for dogs. If you are bringing home a puppy that needs house training you will also need puppy pads and urine cleaner.
Dog Crate - A crate is not only a comfortable den for your dog, but also a valuable tool for house training, for traveling, and for times when you need to keep the dog confined. The crate needs to be big enough for the dog to stand up and turn around but not so big that he can make one end a toilet area. For puppies, crates are available with dividers so that you can keep the available area small when the dog is small and enlarge the area as the dog grows.
Bed - A blanket or fleece mat if your dog sleeps in his crate, or a comfortable bed if he is not.
Gates - Baby gates can be very useful for blocking off areas that are off limits.
Leash - A four to six foot lead generally works best for walking.
Collar - Nylon or flat leather collars work well. Make sure to check the tightness often, especially if you have a dog that is growing quickly. It needs to be snug enough that he can't get it over his head but not so tight that you can fit two fingers under it.
ID Tags - The tag should include at least the dog's name and your phone number. If possible include your name and address also. If you move, make sure to update your dog's ID tags accordingly.
First Aid Supplies - Having the right supplies on hand can really help in minor emergencies.
Treats - Soft treats especially for dogs can help in the dog's training.
Selection of Toys - Make sure the toy is appropriate to the age and size of your dog. Puppies that are teething can find great relief from a nylon or rawhide bone. Kongs and other toys are good for keeping dogs from getting board.

By Tom K. Kelly
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

So Many Dog Foods to Choose From - Right?

So Many Dog Foods to Choose From - Right?
The phrase, "putting on the dog" refers to people who try to appear wealthy or more important than they really are. If you were to walk down the dog food aisle in a supermarket or pet store, the front of the bags would sound very impressive, assuring you of complete nutrition for every stage of a canine's life. But in reality, many of these pet food companies are guilty of "putting on the dog". Before you put anything "in" your dog, flip those bags of dog food over to read the fine print.

Do you want your dog to be healthy, obedient and live to a good old age? Scientists determined that dogs have the potential to live to 20 years, but in reality, most canine companions struggle beyond the 10-year mark. Veterinarians are seeing an increasing number of heart and respiratory disease, joint problems and diabetes. The shelters are full of dogs that left their "forever homes" because they exhibited hostile and even violent behavior.

All of these health and emotional issues could have a solid basis in the type and quality of food these dogs have been given. It's not enough to merely fill up a bowl with any dog food so your pet doesn't go hungry. Dog owners need to evaluate what's going into the dog's dish because those ingredients can mean a better life or one that is filled with health issues.

Buy a premium dog food. Generally, this type of food is not sold in supermarkets and not even at your veterinarian's office. There are a few exceptions where you will find top quality foods at these establishments.

Before making a selection of dog food, turn the bags over and read the list of ingredients. The first 5 ingredients make up the bulk of the dog food so take note. If more than 2 of them contain grain products, like corn or wheat, the food is mostly vegetable protein, which provides less in the way of nutrition. Dogs who eat this type of food will have more bowel movements because their bodies are not absorbing a high level of nutrients and these ingredients are processed as waste.

If the bag lists "by-products" it's best to leave it on the shelf. By-products of animals can mean the head, feet and intestines. There is practically zero nutritional value in this ingredient. Look for chicken "meal" or lamb "meal" which actually provides a greater degree of animal protein.

Avoid foods that contain preservatives, like BHT or BHA. They can be harmful to your pet's health. Canned food often contains more preservatives because they are needed to keep the food fresh. Additionally, canned food has a high water content and that should be factored into your dog food buying decision. Dogs do very well on dry dog food alone, and the crunching action helps to keep their teeth cleaner.

If you want to give your dogs treats, the same rules apply. Check the list of ingredients. Try not to get your dog "hooked" on cheap treats with no nutritional value because that may make it difficult to offer a premium dog food that is not artificially enhanced with flavor additives.
By Lori Matthews
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Choosing Designer Dog Beds

Choosing Designer Dog Beds,Designer Dog Beds Designer dog beds aren't typically just the same old beds with a designer's name on them, however.,Fancy Prices Normal dog beds,

Choosing Designer Dog Beds

Traditionally, dogs were not provided beds, and were lucky to sleep on a pile of rags, if they were allowed in the house at all. In recent years. However, lately the trend has been for people to pamper their pets. Not only do their dogs have beds, they have deluxe, stylish designer dog beds to go with their chic haircuts.

With the growth of designer pet accessories such as dog collars and even clothing, it is no surprise that humans would want designer dog beds that would match the style of their home, and the style of their dog accessories. The trend toward high-end dog beds has become so prevalent that there are stores and websites specializing in nothing but designer dog beds.

Fancy Names, Fancy Prices Normal dog beds, which are available in a great variety of styles and colors, and which not only can meet your dog's needs but also can match your decor, only cost around fifty dollars. The price varies primarily according to the size of the bed (which in turn varies according to the size of the dog). As soon as you add a designer's name to the exact same bed, the price will at least double.

Form Factors of Designer Dog Beds Designer dog beds aren't typically just the same old beds with a designer's name on them, however. Even when these dog beds follow the same form factor as non-designer beds, the designer who puts his or her name on the label has thought out the look and style. They come in just about any style, shape or size you can imagine.

A typical form factor for these beds is the "donut" style. They don't resemble donuts all that much, as the bottom is actually solid and cushiony. They do have a ringed edge, also cushiony, and this edge is what gives this style of designer dog beds its name. The ring part of the bed makes for an excellent headrest for your pet.

Some dog beds carry the anthropomorphizing trend indicated by the prevalence of doggie sweaters and other designer doggie clothes to extremes. Designers create designer dog beds that resemble human furniture, like little sofas or lounge chairs. Chances are these mini sofas are available in a fabric or pattern that matches your own sofa.

Along those lines, some of these dog beds are styled to look like little human beds. Some even have headboards and footboards. Other designer beds are styled more like the rest of your furniture, with designer dog beds hidden away, as if they were miniature indoor doghouses, except disguised as end tables.

Special Function Pet Beds Some dog beds are available which have advanced functions to increase your pet's comfort. For example, heated dog beds are available. These heated dog beds are ideal for older or arthritic dogs. Heated dog beds may not be the ideal pet beds in warmer climates. In hot climates, dog beds are available with cooling pads.

Things to Consider When Shopping for Designer Dog Beds Different breeds of dogs have different body types, build and sleeping habits. The type of bed you choose for your dog should depend on not only your dog's body type but also your dog's habits. If your dog chews things, choose a bed that is sturdy and "chew proof".

It is very important that you consider not only the decor of the room where you wish to place the bed but also your dog's habits. A fancy doghouse style bed, which neatly hides your dog's bed away, isn't going to be all that useful if your dog doesn't like small, enclosed spaces. You don't want to spend a lot of money on pet beds for your dog only to have him ignore it.

If you are buying for a puppy, make sure you understand how big the dog will eventually grow. You will either have to buy a large bed later, or just buy one at the start. If your puppy is a larger breed it may be a waste of money to buy a small bed when he is small, as they grow fast.

By Johnathan Livingston
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Designer Pet Carriers For Your Designer Pet

Designer pet carriers come in a wide variety of options ,Types of Designer Pet Carriers, Pet Accessories for Travel....

Designer Pet Carriers For Your Designer Pet

You have designer tastes, and why should your pet be any different? For the pets that appreciate the finer things in life, designer pet carriers are a great way for them to stand out in a crowd while pampering their every needs. Designer pet carriers come in a wide variety of options and so you are sure to find the one the best suits your designer pet.
Types of Designer Pet Carriers
There are many different types of designer pet carriers that you can choose between. You'll need to evaluate what you'll want to use your use pet carrier for and in understanding that, you'll be able to select the best option for your own individual needs. If you'll be carrying along your pet, consider backpack pet carriers. Let your small dog ride in style right on your back so they don't miss out on anything going on around them.

Another option for designer pet carriers are front pet carriers. This'll place your small pet securely and snuggly against your chest and allow them to be carried around almost like a baby. Your designer dog will enjoy the pampering the front pet carriers allow - they'll be close at hand for everything that is going on!

If your pet will be joining the jet set crowd, you'll want to investigate airline approved pet carriers. Airlines often have strict regulations regarding how to transport pets both in the passenger and cargo compartments. You can select between designer pet carriers that would work well in either instance and still ensure that you're your pet is traveling in the utmost comfort.
Other Pet Accessories for Travel
There are other pet accessories that you should consider when preparing to travel with your pet. One of the first and most important to spend time thinking about are dog beds. It can be frightening for your pet to spend a night away from home, so finding dog carriers that have built in dog beds where they will feel safe and secure can be a very big deal towards ensuring their peace of mind and comfort.

Other dog accessories to look into include basic pet supplies like dog collars. Although your dog may not need a collar while in the comfort of your own home, most locales will require that you keep your pet in a collar at all times when they are out in public, to attach their leash to as well as to display their tags. Head to the pet boutique to find the latest in dog collar styles to help your designer dog feel comfortable while on the road.
Designer Dog Clothes
Many pets can be just as fashion conscious as their discerning owners. To keep your dog in the highest of styles while on the road, remember that they'll need to bring along their designer clothes. Whether you're off to visit family or you'll be heading to a dog show competition, designer dog clothes will make your pet look extremely cute while also ensuring that they are in fashion.

To recap, you can easily plan trips away with your designer pets by simply remembering to pack a few key items. First, you'll want to have your designer pet carriers ready to go and transport your pet in style. Second, you'll want to remember to pack all of the accessories your pet will need while on the road to keep them safe and comfortable. Third, you'll want to remember additional items that will enhance their appearance while on the road. And finally, don't forget to pack a little bit of downtime so your pet can truly enjoy their time away from home. After that, put them in their designer pet carriers and you'll be ready to go!

By Johnathan Livingston
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

The 5 Sure Fire Benefits of Dog Obedience Training

Fire Benefits of Dog Obedience Training,The benefits of strong healthy , Basic dog training opens up the communication ,dog the knowledge setting up, puppy or dog comes to his new home...

The 5 Sure Fire Benefits of Dog Obedience Training

Dog obedience training is one of the most important elements you can have in your relationship with your dog.

The question I get asked the most is what exactly is dog obedience training and is it really all that important in the relationship you have with your dog.

In a nut shell, dog obedience training is very loose term used to describe what can be accomplished with a variety of different dog training techniques.

These techniques can range from protection dog training, puppy house training, dog housebreaking tips, dog behavioral modification and many others.

What ever training technique you decide to pursue first whether training your dog at home or at an appropriate dog training school, you should accomplish the following benefits.

1. The benefits of strong healthy bonding between your pet and you are best created by the use of some form of dog obedience training methods.

2. Basic dog training opens up the communication factor between you and your dog. This helps give you the basic idea's of what you want from your dog and helps your dog to understand and respect what it is you are teaching him.

3. Teaching obedience to your dog will give your dog the knowledge of the boundaries you are setting up with him. Boundaries will help your dog become more responsible to you and your family as well as other dogs, animals and people and create the manners you expect in any situation.

4. Dog training helps you in laying up ground work that actually helps your dog preventing the development of unacceptable behavior and bad habits such as chewing, digging, barking, biting, jumping, peeing in the house and many others.

5. Confusion is another prominent problem when your puppy or dog comes to his new home. Training your dog from the get go will eliminate all confusion and believe me, once your dog begins to understand what he needs to do, everyone life get a whole lot easier!

6. One more BONUS benefit: You will find that not only is it fun and rewarding training your dog but the confidence you will gain in knowing you can trust your dog no matter what the situation is truly relaxing. No stress in wonder what any situation may bring.

I have barely scratched the surface in name just a few of the benefits you will discover by properly training your dog.

I see so many dogs that are neglected the proper training that is only their owners would commit just a little time would bring so much happiness to them, their dogs and their neighbors.

Dogs get frustrated not knowing the rules of the road and it is up to you to teach them.

There are many ways to teach your dog that you can find online if you know where to look.
Just remember, it not about force, dominance, or cruelty in teaching your dog.

Training your dog the right way the first time can be done in a fractions of the time and done in such a way that is fun for everyone.

Do it right! You and your puppy will enjoy every minute of every training session and once those lines of communication are open and established your whole family will want in on the fun that comes with the benefits of training your dog.

By Barry Crewse
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Health Diseases Associated With Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,learning more about these diseases, you can take steps to prevent them from coming and harming your beloved canine friend.

Health Diseases Associated With Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
What comes into your mind when you think of cavalier King Charles Spaniel? When we speak of this breed, what comes first into the minds of most listeners is its origin; given the name King Charles. Indeed Toy Spaniels have been in existence for many centuries and even until now they are still gaining popularity as household pets among many families.

However, owners and soon-to-be owners should remember that fame and history are not the only things associated with this adorable breed. Two genetic defects common to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed are mitral valve disease and syringomyelia. Heart mitral valve disease (MVD) is a degeneration of the heart's mitral valve, one of the four sets of valves in a dog's heart. The disease is characterized by the inability of the longer valve to close fully after each pumping action thus gives way to some blood to flow backwards from the ventricle back into the atrium. Based on statistics, more than half of all Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affected by the disease at age five thus the expected lifespan is only between seven to ten years.

On the other hand, syringomyelia occurs due to obstruction to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. Symptoms of the disease may ranger from mild discomfort to severe pain and partial paralysis. Another common symptom of the disease is scratching in the air near the neck thus referred to as "neck scratcher's disease". The disease is usually recognized among dogs between six months to three years of age nevertheless dogs of any age especially those with more severe diseases and unhealthy lifestyle can be affected by the disease.

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca can also be seen in this breed. Also called dry eye, the disease is caused by decreased or inadequate tear production. Infections, trauma or reactions to drugs can cause injury to the tear glands or damage to these glands thus lead to the disease. A dog affected with this disease develops a thick, yellowish discharge. If left untreated, the disease will lead into chronic eye infections and may progress into corneal ulceration and worst, blindness. Other eye disorders common to this breed are cataracts, corneal dystrophy, distichiasis, dry eye syndrome, entropion, microphthalmia, progressive retinal degeneration and retinal dysplasia.

By learning more about these diseases, you can take steps to prevent them from coming and harming your beloved canine friend.

By Expert Author: Richard Cussons

วันพุธที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Information About Addison disease in Dogs

The breeds of dogs that are most susceptible to Addison disease are Great Danes, Labrador Retrievers, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling

Information About Addison disease in Dogs

Addison disease in dogs is a rare but serious disorder where the adrenal glands do not secrete a sufficient amount of adrenal hormones. These hormones are necessary for a wide variety of functions in the body. The disease is also known as Hypoadrenocorticisim. The disease affects the salt/potassium levels in the body. The origin of the disease is unknown but Addison disease is known to be an inherited disorder. Addison disease is also known to affect some breeds more than others.

The initial symptoms for this disease in dogs include such things as gastrointestinal problems. Gastrointestinal problems occur more often in dogs that have been treated with cortisone or prednisone for any particular reason. It may also result in pituitary cancer in dogs. Other symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and very poor appetite. When a dog is infected with Addison disease it may have a direct impact on the heart causing severe shock which can be fatal if not treated immediately.

The breeds of dogs that are most susceptible to Addison disease are Great Danes, Labrador Retrievers, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Portuguese water dog, Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier and the Standard Poodle. Studies have also found that seventy-five percent of dogs that are affected by this disease are female and most dogs range from ages between four and seven.

Due to the variety of clinical signs associated with the disease it is often hard to diagnose this disease. Dogs that are infected with this disease are often infected with a variety of medical problems over the course of their lives. In most cases there is no set treatment for these illnesses other than increase fluids and rest. The diagnosis is made through a series of blood tests combined with other specific tests for this disorder.

Treatment for the disorder involves taking a mineralcorticord supplement for the remainder of the dog life. There will be regular visits to the vet where the dog electrolyte levels will be checked to make sure that the supplements are working properly. At the beginning of treatment this will be done more often as the correct dose is often difficult to find for each individual dog.

If you are a dog breeder or are thinking about becoming one you should make sure that you find out the medical history of your dogs before breeding them. It is wise to avoid using dogs that have a family history of Addison disease as the genes may have been passed down through the generations. You should never use a dog that has been infected with Addison disease as there is an extremely high risk that they will pass it on to their puppies.

If you are concerned about this disease and you worry that your dog may be infected then you should contact your vet as soon as possible and arrange to have blood work done. It may be possible for your vet to rule out the presence of Addison disease without having to do any blood work but to be one hundred percent sure you must have blood tests done.


A Look into Common Dog Names

When choosing dog names, it is better to select names that only have two syllables or less. In this way, you will find it easier in training your dogs.

A Look into Common Dog Names

If you have just become a dog owner, either through buying your dog or being given a dog as a gift from someone, you would have to think a name for
your pet. There are actually a lot of dog names to choose from. There is no rule in choosing dog names but there are usual techniques that pet owners employ when deciding on which dog names to use. There are people who choose to give classical dog names to their pets such as the known dog names: Buddy, Spike, Sam, Max, etc. A lot of people also prefer dog names that are "positive." After all, if you name your dog as "Killer" then people might fear going near your dog based on the negative name given. It is therefore best to choose dog names that would present your dogs into a positive light.

Some dog names are also said to be inspired by food. Examples of names that you could give your dogs that denote food are the following: Pepper, Peanut, Cookie, Cinnamon, Candy, and a lot more. You will find that the examples are foods that are either sweet or spicy and definitely not pertaining to vegetables or meat products.

Choose appropriate names and never use names that would poke fun at your dogs. If you have a toy dog, then it would not be wise to name your dog "Ogre" right? If you have a German Shepherd then never name your pet "Baby." You may ask the opinion of your friends and family about which names would be best for your dogs.

When choosing dog names, it is better to select names that only have two syllables or less. In this way, you will find it easier in training your dogs. You wouldn't want to train your dogs with a name with so many syllables as this will be exhausting and will leave your throat dry. "Sit, Nikky!" is better than " Sit, Hippocrates!" You may choose multi-syllabic dog names but then you should come up with a nickname that is shorter (one or two syllables) especially during your dog's training days.


Enter The World Of The Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers have long coats, usually black and tan in color.,a small dog ,he Yorkshire Terrier has been recognized by the American Kennel Club since 1885.....

Enter The World Of The Yorkshire Terrier

According to the AKC Registration statistics, the Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular breeds. In both 2006 and 2007 they were ranked second in the number of registrations through the American Kennel Club. The Yorkshire Terrier has been recognized by the American Kennel Club since 1885.
So though these days there are more dog breeds than ever before, one of the most popular breeds of dog you will find is a Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkshire Terriers belong to the toy group. Although being a small dog doesn't mean it has a small personality. Yorkshire Terriers are brave, energetic, investigative, and determined. Yorkshire Terriers are originally from England. They are named after the English City. In the nineteenth century they were put to work in clothing mills catching rats. The Yorkshire Terrier breed first appeared in 1861 at a bench show in England. At that time it was called the Broken-Haired Scotch Terrier. The Yorkie was introduced in the United States in 1872. In 1878, the first Yorkshire Terrier was registered with the American Kennel Club. It was one of the first twenty-five breeds to be registered by the AKC. They obtained the Yorkshire Terrier name in 1874.

For someone considering a pet they must take a few things into consideration before deciding on a Yorkshire Terrier. The Yorkshire is small and does not require as much exercise as a large breed dog. However, it does require companionship. They naturally have long coats that require time or money for grooming. Unlike some other dog breeds which remains short and falls out, the Yorkie has hair much like a humans. It grows continuously and needs to be trimmed. If you decide to keep the hair long, it will require much more care. The coat can become dirty easier and require more washing. They are independent by nature so it may be more difficult to train a
Yorkie than other dog breeds.

Yorkshire Terriers have long coats, usually black and tan in color. Because they do not have an undercoat they do not shed as much as other dogs may. Yorkshire Terriers have hair similar to human hair. It grows continually and rarely falls out. They have less dander on their coat, which means when wet they normally don't have a wet dog smell. Also because of this not as many people who are afflicted with dog allergies will have reactions to them.

Some health issues that may afflict the Yorkshire Terrier include bronchitis, lympangiectasia, Portosystemic Shunt, cataracts, and keratitis sicca. Lymphangiectasia is an intestinal disease found in dogs. It is characterized by dilation of the lymphatic vessel, chronic diarrhea, and loss of proteins. A portosystemic shunt is a bypass of the liver by the circulatory system. This condition can either be present at birth or acquired over time. Yorkshire Terriers can also have dry eyes which is known as kerratitis sicca. Because of the Yorkshire Terriers small size it can be injured due to falls, owner clumsiness, or other dogs. It may not be a good idea to have a Yorshire Terrier if you have small children because they may accidentally hurt the Yorkie. Small children do not always understand how to treat animals and because of this it is very easy for the Yorkie to become injured.


An Introduction to Rottweiler Puppies

An Introduction to Rottweiler Puppies...Rottweiler puppies have a lot of other great characteristics too. While it’s true that the Rottweiler is not the right dog for everyone .....

An Introduction to Rottweiler Puppies

If you’ve never had the opportunity to spend some time around Rottweiler puppies you are missing out. Rottweiler puppies, according to many different Rottweiler puppy profiles, are extremely intelligent and loving. In fact, having above average intelligence is one of the characteristics of the breed.
Other unique characteristics that make Rottweiler puppies so special according to Rottweiler puppy profiles include:
Loyalty – Rottweiler puppies are fiercely loyal to their families. All dogs are loyal to their humans to some extent but Rottweilers are exceptionally devoted. It’s one of the characteristics that makes this breed such a great family pet.
Protectiveness – Rottweiler puppies have the potential to be great watchdogs. Because they are so attached to their homes and their families they are very protective of their homes.
Courage – Because they were originally bred to be working dogs that need to show a lot of athleticism and courage in the field Rottweilers are known to be exceptionally courageous and will put themselves in danger to protect their loved ones. Rottweilers that are professionally shown need to show courage in the show ring or the judge will dismiss them because having courage is a characteristic of the breed.
Great with kids – You might not think that Rottweiler puppies are good family pets but if the Rottweiler puppies are socialized well they can be great family dogs and children’s pets. Rottweiler puppies often gravitate naturally towards children. It’s important to socialize Rottweiler puppies around children and to always supervise a Rottweiler that is around children because Rottweilers are very large dogs and could injure a child without meaning to.

If you read some Rottweiler puppies profiles you’ll see that Rottweiler puppies have a lot of other great characteristics too. While it’s true that the Rottweiler is not the right dog for everyone and you should be sure that a Rottweiler is the kind of dog you’re looking for before you get one if you haven’t thought about getting a Rottweiler you should find out more about the breed and consider whether or not a Rottweiler is the right dog for you and your family. If you think that a Rottweiler is a good fit for you and your family then visit www.vomfloodrottweilers.com for more information on Rottweiler puppies.


The Importance of Dog Fences

The Importance of Dog Fences,Dog causes physical harm to self,Dog causes harm to others,Physical Fencing: ....

The Importance of Dog Fences
Urban sprawl grows exponentially every year, so living in those quiet country settings that we all dream of is becoming less likely for most people. For dog owners, this can cause a host of problems that could result in a lot of frustration and pain as it becomes more difficult to contain our pets at home and still allow them safety and freedom.

Even the most well-trained dogs sometimes stray. Dogs have strong individual and pack instincts, and occasionally become so intent on doing something that they ignore your commands. This can be embarrassing, and quite frustrating: especially if your dog does not return right away. However, this can often be the least of your problems: your dog can become a major liability to you. Aside from being a nuisance and running off for a quick jaunt, your dog can get you into a whole lot of trouble:
Dog causes physical harm to self:
You dog could be hit by a car, attacked by other dogs, break a leg, or eat something harmful to their health that would not normally have been available. Your dog could be seriously injured, costing hundreds or thousands of dollars in veterinary expenses. Your dog could become lost, and not be able to return to you. He could be placed in a shelter and adopted by someone else. Sometimes, your dog could die in these situations.
Dog causes harm to others:
Perhaps your dog is not aggressive, and it might be that they would not attack another dog or a person. Nevertheless, your sexually intact dog could impregnate another dog, or become impregnated by one. If your dog impregnates another dog meant for breeding, you can be sued for many thousands of dollars. This is because most dogs, especially when they are not under your sphere of control, will revert to a highly natural (for them) way of behaving. They will eat toxins, have sex, and chase cats, chickens, and other animals- sometimes causing the death or loss of that animal. You can be held liable in these cases.
Dog causes property damage or is a public hazard:
If your dog soils a public place, you can be fined. The same is true if your dog destroys any kind of public or private property. Becoming a hazard by disrupting traffic or frightening citizens can result in fines, and sometimes your dog can be seized.

Beside the fact that you adore your dog and would not want anything unpleasant to befall them, any of the above situations could cost you dearly. In addition to civil suits, most dog owners can be held liable for punitive damages as well. The reason for this is that, under law, an owner is considered fully responsible for their dogs' actions or control thereof. For this reason, and in these times, it is very important to consider installing a fencing system to contain your dog; keeping them happy, healthy, and safe.

There are many brands and styles of dog fences on the market, but there are primarily only three types.:

Physical Fencing:
An actual, physical fence may be right for you and your dog. They are usually quite sturdy, and may offer additional privacy for some owners, as well as a sound barrier. One of the drawbacks of this type of fencing is that some dogs can dig holes under it, and very agile dogs can even jump them. Physical fencing is expensive compared to other choices, and requires regular maintenance. However, the biggest benefit of physical fencing is that it not only keeps your dog in, but it keeps other creatures out. This is ideal if you have a breeding female, or live in an area where domesticated animals are subject to attack by wild animals.

Electric fencing:
Electric dog fences utilizes a gridline of actual wires to contain your pet. The wires are buried 2-3 inches in the ground along the lines where you would like the fence to be. The system works with a control station, and a remote collar that your dog will wear. When your dog approaches the fence line and tries to cross it, a signal is sent to the collar that issues a correction in the form of a harmless electrical charge. This system works amazingly well with most dogs, with the only drawbacks being that you have to bury the wires, and that another dog or animal can still enter the fence.
Wireless fencing:
Wireless dog fences are a new product, and seems to be the wisest choice for most dog owners. It uses only two items: a transmitter, and a remote collar. The transmitter can be placed anywhere in your home, and can be controlled to emit a signal that sweeps from ten feet, up to ninety feet. While wearing the collar, the transmitter will send a signal to the collar, causing it to beep, when the dog approaches the limits of the radius you have set. When your dog gets too far away, the transmitter will then send a small electrical charge to the collar, which corrects the dog's behavior. This type of fencing is simple to use and install, though has the single drawback that it does not prevent other animals from entering the "fenced" area.

Most types of fencing can be obtained at pet stores, vet clinics, online websites, and feed stores, and most can be installed without the help of professionals.
