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Dog Have Itchy Skin? Improper Nutrition Could Be The Cause

Dog Have Itchy Skin--One common answer for your dog’s itchy skin is food allergies -- your dog is reacting to a certain ingredient in his dog food. Another common answer is psychological -- your dog has issues (nervousness, hyperactivity, anxiety).....

Dog Have Itchy Skin?
Improper Nutrition Could Be The Cause

Does your dog scratch all the time? Does he go on and on scratching? If you’re like most people, it probably drives you crazy – not to mention your poor dog. You look your dog over – no fleas to be found. So then why won’t the scratching stop?

One common answer for your dog’s itchy skin is food allergies -- your dog is reacting to a certain ingredient in his dog food. Another common answer is psychological -- your dog has issues (nervousness, hyperactivity, anxiety). However, one area that tends to get overlooked in the diagnosis of a dog’s itchy skin is nutrition, or lack thereof.

When you deprive your dog of essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fats), their body may respond with inflammation of the skin and scratching – your dog’s itchy skin!

Your dog is a beloved member of your family. You don’t deprive him of nutrients! Do you? You might very well and not even know you are doing it. If you answer yes to the following question, there is a very good chance that you are.

Do you feed your dog commercial dog food?

Most dog food companies provide very substandard dog foods without you even knowing it. Just because the label says “well balanced” and “complete nutrition” does not mean that it is. Most of the food that goes into dog food are by-products. A by-product is whatever is left over of a whole ingredient after the healthy, useable portion has been removed. So even though the dog food says it has a certain ingredient, chances are the good part, the part with the nutrients, aren’t in your dog’s food. This lack of quality nutrients results in your dog’s itchy skin.

By: K.C. Jones
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

How To House Train A Dog – Easy Steps

A puppy does not yet have the ability to wait for a door to open if it wants to toilet....To house train a young and even older dog is basically the same as training a young puppy....

How To House Train A Dog – Easy Steps

To house train a dog and especially a puppy is very easy and only requires patience, consistency and awareness. Nobody wants a dog that messes in the house, so many people just leave their dogs in the backyard – never allowing them in the house. These backyard dogs many develop undesirable behaviour which is caused by a lack of attention. If you are the new owner, you might have a dog that has never been house trained.

House Training a Puppy

A puppy does not yet have the ability to wait for a door to open if it wants to toilet. You as owner are responsible for being aware of when the puppy needs to go out.

Listed are few definite situations and times when you should take your puppy to the area in your garden where you want it to toilet:

? The moment it wakes up, in the morning or during the day when it was sleeping.

? Just after feeding times

? When you see the puppy sniffing around and turning in circles

? When you see the puppy going behind furniture. (It is not playing hide-and-seek!)

At these times, pick up your puppy and take it outside. Wait there, sunshine or rain, until it has done everything. Do not go inside, the puppy will just follow you and do it in the house. And it will be all your own fault! Never scold your puppy if it had an accident in the house, it was NOT his fault.

You can be very successful in the dog training basics if you are consistent. Your patience will pay off and very soon you will notice your puppy start going outside all on its own. Remember also to praise your puppy everytime it does its toilet outside. It is also a very good idea to take your puppy to a dog training school for puppy classes and basic dog obedience training.

House Training an Adopted Dog

To house train a young and even older dog is basically the same as training a young puppy. It will even be quicker, but you need to be very consistent. Make sure to praise you dog when it is doing right. You can even train your dog to touch a bell when it wants to go out. You can do that by using the method of clicker training.

In all your dog training, be it house training, basic obedience training, dog agility training, always use positive reinforcement methods and you will achieve your goals much faster and both you and your dog will enjoy it.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Clicker Train Fido To Sit

Clicker Train Fido To Sit***a small device making a click sound when pressed...This is extremely important. Even when you click at the wrong moment, Now that Fido knows how the clicker works,...

Clicker Train Fido To Sit

Dog training has over the years developed from the harsh methods of punishment to almost an art or science where precision training is possible using only a small device called a clicker. Clicker training has long been used to train other animals like dolphins.

What is a clicker?

A clicker is what it says -- a small device making a click sound when pressed. It is also known as a reward marker. The click sound marks the exact moment your dog did something that earns him a reward. If you want to teach him to sit, you will click the moment he sits, and then you will give him a reward or treat. To Fido the clicker means “Good dog, you have done this thing right!”

If used correctly, the clicker is very effective because you can catch the exact moment your dog does something right. Your timing must be perfect -- practice your timing by throwing a ball into the air and clicking the moment it turns to fall back.

The philosophy behind the clicker is that the dog gets conditioned that when he hears the click sound, he will receive a treat. He will thus do whatever he knows (which he learnt through repetition) that will result in a click. A clicker trained dog will go through a whole repertoire of behaviours to get a click.

Where to start

Let us say Fido has no experience with a clicker and you want to start training him by using the clicker. First you have to introduce the clicker to him and teach him that whenever he hears the click, he will receive a reward. This is extremely important. Even when you click at the wrong moment, he should still receive a reward, else the power of the clicker will be diminished. Do this introduction by just clicking and rewarding. At this point Fido does not have to do anything. You only want him to realise that the click is a good sound and a yummy treat will follow. It will only take about 10 to 20 clicks for him to realise that. This process is also called “charging up the clicker”.

Moving on

Now that Fido knows how the clicker works, you want to start teaching him desired behaviour. Lets take an easy example: you want to teach Fido to sit when you say “Sit”. Remember: he does not yet know the word “sit”, so you cannot expect him to sit when you say the word. So just keep quiet. Take a treat in your one hand and clicker in the other. Hold the treat-hand in front of Fido’s nose (do not allow him to take it!), lift your hand slightly up and backwards, luring him into the sit position. Click the second his bum hits the ground and give him the treat. Repeat 20 to 30 times.

At this point you can start adding the word “sit”. The sequence should be: Luring Fido into “sit” and at the same time saying “sit” – Fido sits – click – treat. Repeat that sequence about 20 to 30 times. You can now test him by giving the command before luring him into the sit position. Chances are good that he will immediately sit on command and you would not even have lure him into position. If he gets it right, give a bonus treat and make a big fuss. Congratulations! You have just taught Fido to sit on command!

What’s next?

The above is a short description of the basic training method using a clicker. You can teach your dog any trick or obedience command by following that outline. Some tricks and commands are much more complex and you should break it down into smaller steps first and combining them later. This will be described in later articles – so be on the lookout for those.

Tips for successful dog training

Set up your dog for success by keeping training sessions short.
End your training on a high note, while your dog still wants more.
Use really yummy treats and be generous.
Always treat after a click.
Do not train when you are in a bad mood or not feeling well!
Be consistent with your clicking, your praise and your rules.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dog Training – The Secret To Success

Dog Training – Spending quality time together...Experiencing life together...Establishing and promoting mutual Respect...Communication..Understanding each other’s needs...

Dog Training – The Secret To Success

Building a bond with your dog is the secret to successful dog training.

As with any relationship, building a bond requires:

1.) Spending quality time together.

Spending quality time together does not mean just being in the same room as your dog. It does mean having some routines and rituals together that your dog can look forward to. Dogs love routine. One such routine can be to run to your post box together and then giving the junkmail to Fido to carry to the bin. That makes life worth living for Fido.

2.) Experiencing life together.

Take Fido with you wherever you go. If you walk to the shop on the corner to buy a newspaper, take him along. Let him practice a “sit stay” outside the shop. Dogs are wonderful companions. Take him along for your Sunday afternoon drive or when you go on hiking trial in the countryside.

3.) Establishing and promoting mutual respect.

Trust and respect are very important in any relationship, even your relationship with your dog. Your dog will trust you when, over time, he realises that you will keep him safe. Respect will come when you set enforceable boundaries. You must be firm but fair. Here also, as in any dog training, it is important to be consistent. If you don’t want Fido to jump up on you or your friends, then never allow that, not even once.

4.) Communication

You must develop a way of communication with your dog so that you and Fido can understand each other. It all developes from a proper dog training foundation. And the more motivational your corrections and praise are the stronger the foundation. Communicating with your dog means that he will understand when he’s doing something right and when he’s doing something wrong. You can communicate with your voice but your strongest communication with Fido will be through body language.

5.) Understanding each other’s needs

If you have reached a point in your dog training where you can communicate with your dog, you will start to understand each other’s needs. And that is a magical point. That is when both of you are really enjoying the training and where Fido will do just about anything to please you.

By: MS du Toit
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com